Henry Square Chambers
In the heart of a suburban Manchester town, a historic building that had long been abandoned and left to decay was given a new lease of life through an innovative regeneration scheme. Henry Square Chambers was repurposed and transformed into a Safe Start School for pupils with additional needs, offering a safe and nurturing environment for children who require extra support to reach their full potential.
This regeneration project is just one small example of our solutions-focused approach to urban regeneration. We are committed to creating spaces that are not only functional but also inspiring, breathing new life into neglected buildings and revitalising urban areas.
Our expertise in urban renewal extends far beyond the restoration of historic buildings, encompassing innovative and sustainable solutions for everything from commercial properties and community facilities. We work closely with local communities and stakeholders to create spaces that are tailored to the needs of the people who live and work there, ensuring that every project we undertake brings value and a positive, lasting impact to the area.
By transforming this once derelict building into a vibrant and inspiring space for learning, we have created a legacy that will benefit generations to come. This is just one small example of our visionary approach to urban renewal, and we continue to be at the forefront of innovative and sustainable solutions for urban communities.